- Data on performance, repeaters, and completion/retention disaggregated by sex, levels of the education system, and geographic location.
- Literacy levels of boys and girls, men, and women
- Prevalence of sexual harassment and gender-based violence in schools and communities by geographic location
- Number of laws and policies that include punitive measures for those acting in opposition to girls’ education.
- Prevalence of teenage pregnancy and early marriages
- Gender Parity Index (GPI)
- Population data disaggregated by sex, age, and geographic location.
- Enrolment data disaggregated by type, sex, and different levels of the education system. – Gross Intake Rate (GIR) – Net Intake Rate (NIR) – Gross Enrollment Ratio (GER) – Net Enrollment Ratio (NER) – Percent of Girl Enrollment
- School entry age by sex, levels, and geographic locations
- Number of female and male school/education administrators
- Number and type of schools constructed per community, district, and county.